Our Members
Salma Abbasi, Chairperson and CEO, eWorldwide Group, and Strategic Advisor, IEEE Digital Resilience
Sait Akman, Director, Center for G20 studies, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
Nico Aspinall, Founder, Nico Aspinal Consulting
Jeffrey Arsenault, Cybersecurity Expert, Twisted Logic Inc.
Björn Balazs, Founder, Chair, Privact e.V.
Paul Bernal, Associate Professor of Information Technology Law, University of East Anglia
Andrew Briggs, Professor of Nanomaterials, University of Oxford
Todd Brogan, Director of Campaigns & Organising, International Trade Union Confederation
Michael Bruenig, Dean, University of Queensland Business School
Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology, Hertie School
Sharan Burrow, former General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation
Anna Byhovskaya, OECD Policy Lead, Oxfam International
Joy Chan, Deputy CEO, Taiwan Network Information Center
Róisin Costello, Assistant Professor of Law, Trinity College Dublin
Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge
Laura DeNardis, Endowed Chair in Technology, Ethics, and Society, Georgetown’s College of Arts and Sciences
Jane Drake-Brockman, Institute for International Trade, University of Adelaide
Stewart Dresner, CEO, Privacy Law and Business
Katryna Dow, Founder and CEO, Meeco
George Ellis, Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, and Said Business School, Oxford
Samson Esayas, Associate Professor of Law, BI Norwegian Business School
Chandrima Ganguly, Data and AI Ethics Expert, Lloyds Banking Group
Giulia Gentile, Lecturer in Law, University of Essex
Eugenia Georgiades, Associate Professor, School of Law and Justice, University of Southern Queensland
Paul Grainger, Honorary Senior Research Associate, University College, London
David Goldstein, Internet Policy Consultant, GoldsteinReport
Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science, Associate Vice President of International Engagement, and an Executive Director of the Web Science Institute, University of Southampton
Fen Hampson, Chancellor’s Professor, Carleton University
Pablo Hinojosa, Strategic Engagement Director, Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
Byron Holland, President and CEO, Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA)
Anne-Rachel Inne, Lead consultant D4D, Africa Ultimate Expertise
Christian Kastrop, Partner, Global Solutions Initiative and former State Secretary for Digital Society and Consumer Policy at the German Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection
Syed Munir Khasru, Chairman, The Institute for Policy, Advocacy, and Governance (IPAG)
Beatriz Kira, Lecturer in Law, University of Sussex
Hildegunn Kyvik Nordås, Senior Associate, Council on Economic Policies and Research Professor, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Helena Laurent, Director-General, Consumers International
Mark Leiser, Digital, Legal, and Platform Regulation at VU-Amsterdam.
Sal Malik, Senior Sales Engineer, Seal Storage Technology
Ciaran Martin, Professor of Practice in the Management of Public Organisations, Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford
Kirsten Martin, William P. and Hazel B. White Center Professor of Technology Ethics and Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations in the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame
Russell A Miller, comparative expert on US and German privacy and surveillance law, Washington and Lee University
Desiree Miloshevic, former Special Advisor to the Chair of the Internet Governance Forum Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group
Charles Mok, Member, Board of Trustees, Internet Society, and Visiting Scholar at the Global Digital Policy Incubator of the Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University
Paul Mullen, Software Engineer and AdTech Expert.
Andrew Murray, Professor of Law and Director of the LSE Law, Society and Technology Group, London School of Economics
Paul Nemitz, Principal Advisor on Justice Policy, European Commission
Tim Noonan, former Head of Strategy, International Trade Union Confederation
Mike Orszag, Head of Research, Willis Towers Watson
Andrés Ortega, Independent Writer
Alejandro Pisanty, Professor of Chemistry, UNAM, Mexico; Former Director of ICANN, ISOC, and IGF
Julia Pomares, Guest Professor, Di Tella University and Global Fellow, Global Solutions Initiative
Roxana Radu, Departmental Lecturer in Technology and Public Policy, University of Oxford
Michaela Regneri, Managing Director at the House of Computing and Data Science, Hamburg University
Maria Fernanda Robayo, Programmes Officer, Club de Madrid
Helge Ramthun, Member of the board, Privact e.V.
Rafal Rohozinski, CEO, SecDev
Javier Ruiz-Diaz, Senior Advisor, Consumers International
Güven Sak, Managing Director of The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
Mike Silber, Chief Administrative Officer, Africa Data Centres
Tomslin Samme-Nlar, IT Consultant and Cybersecurity researcher, Genesys
Alpesh Shah, Senior Director of Global Business Strategy & Intelligence, IEEE
Patrick Sharry, Program Director and Adjunct Faculty, Australian Graduate School of Management
Bikram Shrestha, President, Nepal Internet Foundation
Dennis Snower, Co-Director, Global Initiative for Digital Empowerment
Sherry Stephenson, Convenor, PECC Services Network
Nick Thorne, CMG, Former UK Ambassador to the UN
Bishop Paul Tighe, Secretary, Pontifical Council for Culture, Holy See
Paul Twomey, Co-Director Global Initiative for Digital Empowerment
Heidi Tworek, Professor of History and Public Policy, University of British Columbia
Paul Verhoef, Former Director of Navigation, European Space Agency
Simonetta Vezzoso, Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento
David Wilson, Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences and Anthropology at Binghamton University
Rafael Zanatta, Executive Director, Data Privacy Brasil de Pesquisa